pachypodium brevicaule造句


  1. The genus contains species ranging from the bottle-shaped Pachypodium baronii to the cigar-like Pachypodium lamerei to the branchless dwarf species Pachypodium brevicaule.
  2. The bracts, modified leaves at the base of a pedicel of a flower, a peduncle, or a branch, are longer than the pedicels on " Pachypodium brevicaule"
  3. It takes a lot to get them upset _ say, someone overwatering a Pachypodium brevicaule . ( A pachypodium, from the Greek for " thick foot, " resembles an elephant's foot, though the elephant's foot is daintier .)
  4. Some caution is warranted in over-generalizing this characteristic . " Pachypodium namaquanum " is often branchless . " Pachypodium brevicaule " has no clear branches, and indeed may have evolved an alternative to branching in the form of nodes from which leaves, spines, and inflorescences emerge.
  5. ""'Pachypodium brevicaule " "'is a species of plant that belongs to the dogbane family Apocynaceae, which is now amplified by the inclusion of the milkweed family Asclepiadaceae & ndash; " an important union to botanists and horticulturalists interested in the alliance succulents ".
  6. It's difficult to find pachypodium brevicaule in a sentence. 用pachypodium brevicaule造句挺难的
  7. In elevation, " Pachypodium " in both mainland Africa and Madagascar grow between an altitude of sea level, where some species grow in sand dunes, such as " Pachypodium geayi ", to for " Pachypodium lealii " in southern Africa and for " Pachypodium brevicaule " in Madagascar.
  8. The anthers range in size for " Pachypodium brevicaule " from 4.7 to 5.2 mm long by 0.7 to 0.9 mm wide . ( Proportionally, that is, they are 5.22 to 7.14 times as long as wide . ) Inside, the anthers are pubescent and hairy at the base of the connective, the part of tissue in a stamen that separates the two thecae of an anther.


  1. "pachypoda"造句
  2. "pachypodium"造句
  3. "pachypodium ambongense"造句
  4. "pachypodium baronii"造句
  5. "pachypodium bicolor"造句
  6. "pachypodium geayi"造句
  7. "pachypodium lamerei"造句
  8. "pachypodium lealii"造句
  9. "pachypodium namaquanum"造句
  10. "pachypodium rosulatum"造句

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